Title: The second international conference of CMPCP’s Performance Studies Network
Location: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Link out: Click here
Start Date: 2013-04-04
End Date: 2013-04-07
Ninety-seven speakers will present their work during the four-day conference, with sessions on such diverse topics as:
- Vocal practices
- Improvisation
- Creative resistance
- History and/of performance
- Embodiment
- Practice, rehearsal, experimentation
- Reading notation, scores, works
- Analysis and/or performance
- Rhythm, metre and musical time
- Performers and recordings
- Instruments and collaborations
- Experiencing sound
- Touch, gesture and shape
- Communication and collaboration
- The practice of piano performance
- Developing musicians
The programme will also feature sessions convened by CMPCP project leaders.
On 5 April, a conference dinner will be held at St John’s College, and on 6 April a keynote workshop featuring performers from the Britten Sinfonia will take place, followed by a concert for conference delegates. There will be live performances during many of the conference sessions.
To register for the Performance Studies Network conference, please use the online sales system at www.cmpcp.ac.uk/conference2.html. Further information about the conference is available from the CMPCP Coordinator, David Mawson (dgm41@cam.ac.uk).
Conference Programme Committee: John Rink (Chair), Eric Clarke, Nicholas Cook, Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, Tina K. Ramnarine
The AHRC Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice
(CMPCP) was launched in October 2009, with a five-year research programme focused on live musical performance and creative music-making. The Centre is undertaking five research projects with associated workshops, in addition to awarding Visiting Fellowships and three doctoral studentships. CMPCP’s international Performance Studies Network fosters collaborative research between scholars and performers.