SMPC 2013

Title: SMPC 2013
Location: Toronto, Canada
Link out: Click here
Start Date: 2013-08-08
End Date: 2013-08-11

The biennial meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition will be held August 8-11, 2013 at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. Ryerson has the fastest rate of research growth in the Province of Ontario (as measured by external research funding), and it leads the country in research publication growth over the past decade.

Toronto is an exciting conference destination, offering a diverse range of attractions, excellent dining, and world-class entertainment. The city is also safe and pedestrian-friendly, consistently ranked among the world’s most liveable cities.


Dr. Carol L. Krumhansl, Cornell University
“Musical Tension: Statistics, Structure, and Style.” For more information on Dr. Krumhansl’s work please click here


To coincide with SMPC’s efforts to help bring music perception and cognition research to the general public in order to promote broad interest in the field, we are pleased to offer a public lecture  by Dr. Daniel Levitin (Author of: “This is Your Brain on Music”) on Sunday August 11, 2013. Admission is free, and open to the general public as well as SMPC delegates. We hope to see you there!


Conference Chair
Frank Russo (Psychology, Ryerson University)
Operations Coordinator
Tristan Loria (Psychology, Ryerson University)
Program Chair
Michael Schutz (McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind):