Title: ICREA International Symposium on Biolinguistics
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Start Date: 2012-10-01
End Date: 2012-10-03
The meeting, sponsored by the Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies (ICREA), and organized by Cedric Boeckx, will take place at the Aula Magna of the Universitat de Barcelona (historic building). The meeting, open to the public (no registration fee required), will provide an interdisciplinary forum focused on the biological foundations of the human capacity for language. It will bring together eminent scholars in cognitive science, ethology, genetics, neuroscience, comparative psychology, theoretical linguistics, philosophy of mind, paleoneurology, robotics, paleogenomics, and more. Here is an alphabetical list of invited participants:
-Albert Bastardas (U. Barcelona, ICREA Academia program)
-Luca Bonatti (ICREA/U. Pompeu Fabra)
-Emiliano Bruner (CENIEH, Burgos)
-Ruth de Diego Balaguer (ICREA/U. Barcelona)
-Tecumseh Fitch (U. Vienna)
-Koji Fujita (U. Kyoto)
-Judit Gervain (CNRS, U. Paris Descartes)
-Toni Gomila (U. Balearic Islands)
-Kleanthes Grohmann (U. Cyprus)
-Simon Kirby (U. Edinburgh)
-Carles Lalueza-Fox (U. Pompeu Fabra)
-Kazuo Okanoya (U. Tokyo)
-Christophe Pallier (CNRS/INSERM-CEA, Paris)
-Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells (ICREA/U. Barcelona)
-Joana Rossello (U. Barcelona)
-Douglas Saddy (U. Reading)
-Wendy Sandler (U. Haifa)
-Ricard Sole (ICREA/U. Pompeu Fabra; Santa Fe Institute)
-Luc Steels (ICREA/U. Pompeu Fabra)
-Sonja Vernes (Max Planck, Nijmegen)
-Charles Yang (U. Pennsylvania)
In addition to these invited talks, members of the Barcelona Biolinguistics Inititative and their collaborators will present posters featuring their recent works.
A complete program will be available next month.