Workshop: Comparative Biomusicology – Feb 25-26 2014, Cologne, Germany


next week on February 25-26 2014 a workshop on
Comparative Biomusicology
will take place at the Institute of Musicology, University of Cologne, Cologne/Germany.

For more information, please visit our website ( or send us email (rie.asano(at)

Please pass along to anyone you think would be interested in attending.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Best regards,

Uwe Seifert & Rie Asano


Confirmed Discussants:

  • Cedric Boeckx (ICREA, Barcelona, Spain)
  • Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky (Neurolinguistics, Marburg, Germany)
  • W. Tecumseh Fitch (Cognitive Biology, Vienna, Austria)
  • Stefan Koelsch (Biological Psychology and Music Psychology, Berlin, Germany)
  • Matthias Schlesewsky (Department of English and Linguistics, Mainz, Germany)
  • Barbara Tillmann, via video conference (CRNL, Lyon, France)
  • Kai Vogeley (Department of Psychiatry, Cologne, Germany)

Further discussants are invited.
The list of confirmed discussants will be updated on this homepage.


Institute of Musicology
Raum 1.416 (Alter Seminarraum)
Universität zu Köln

Begin: Tuesday, February 25 2014 at 9:30 am

End: Wednesday, February 26 2014 in the late afternoon

Organizer: Rie Asano & Uwe Seifert


It would help us if you could send a short e-mail if you are interested in visiting our workshop: rie.asano(at)

Short description of the workshop:

Cedric Boeckx initiated a new research program in biolinguistics called “comparative biolinguistics” (see his “Exploratory Workshop on Comparative Biolinguistics” and e.g. Benítez-Burraco & Boeckx, 2013).

On February 25-26, 2014, we are planning a workshop for two days to explore how that program might be adapted to music research (which, then, might be called “comparative biomusicology”).

The main aims of the workshop are to discuss:

1) The role and relation of theory and empirical research in such a comparative research program.

2) How results from comparative language-music research might be related. Comparative research includes within-species comparisons such as (developmental) disorders, different cognitive systems (e.g. language, music, and motor cognition) and cultural variations as well as between-species comparisons (e.g. birds, mammalians, non-human primates, and humans).

3) The role and relation of proximate and ultimate analysis in investigating the  cognitive systems language and music.

In general, we are interested to discuss from the point of view of linguistics (Cedric Boeckx), cognitive musicology (Uwe Seifert & Rie Asano), cognitive biology (W. Tecumseh Fitch), cognitive neuroscience and social cognition (Kai Vogeley), Cognitive Neuroscience and language (Matthias Schlesewsky & Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky) and cognitive neurocscience and psychology (Barbara Tillmann – via video conference) how, then, both programs might enhance each other and which strategies might be shared theoretically and empirically.