Title: ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013
Location: Sydney, Australia
Link out: Click here
Start Date: 2013-06-17
End Date: 2013-06-20
The University of Technology, Sydney will host the International Conference on Creativity and Cognition from the 17th to the 20th of June 2013. The organising committee would like to invite you to join us in Sydney for another conference in this very successful series.
For 2013 the conference theme will be ‘Intersections and Interactions’, due to the inter-disciplinarity that is inherent in the study of creativity and cognition. June 2013 will be an exciting time for Sydney, as the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 2013) will run from the 7th to 16th, as well as the Vivid Festival of Arts from the 24th of May until the 10th of June.
General topics may include, but are not limited to:
The study of creativity in an individual, in a group or a team, or in a particular cultural context.
- Discussions of ways to foster creativity though the design, development and/or deployment of pedagogy, of technology support tools for creative work, or of environments and systems of support for creativity. Of particular interest is work on creative technology support tools that involves collaborations between artists and technologists.
- Research reports on empirical assessment of various aspects of creativity and cognition that seek to deal with evaluation metrics, measures, and constraints using methodological approaches such as case studies, experimentation, modeling, or simulation.
- Explorations of new or only partially explored intersections in creativity such as personal creativity in everyday life, the role of emotion in creativity, brain event scanning and recording, and any novel design and evaluation ideas that may one day be valuable to the Creativity and Cognition community.
- Also of particular interest are papers, posters and demonstrations that describe artworks/performance works, etc. and that explore and reflect on the nature of creativity, the act of creation, and/or artistic expression.